Amstrad PCW Technical Section

Amstrad PCW Board Information

Schematics, Component layouts and port/connector pin-outs

Title Description Date
Amstrad PCW Main board The schematic diagram of the Amstrad PCW's main circuit board -
Amstrad PCW Keyboard The schematic diagram of the Amstrad PCW's keyboard circuit board -
Amstrad PCW Monitor The schematic diagram of the Amstrad PCW's monitor board -
Amstrad PCW printer The schematic diagram of the Amstrad PCW's printer circuit board -
Amstrad PCW Monitor-to-TV converter Circuit diagram that allows you to view your PCW video output on your standard television  
Amstrad PCW Disks/Drives Useful information on the entire range of PCW's disk drives and their disks  
PCW Hardware Reference Useful information on the PCW's memory usage, registers, and ports.  



Homebrew upgrades you can do today!

Title Description Date
PCW8256 Memory Upgrade How to upgrade the memory on an 8256 to 512K -
PCW9256 Memory Upgrade How to upgrade the memory on a 9256 to 512K -
Drive Switch Upgrading a PCW floppy drive to include a 40/80 track switch and a circuit to emulate the Ready signal. -
RS232 Serial Port Upgrading a PCW to include a full RS232 serial port. -


Amstrad PCW Firmware

Disassembly of ROM code and other firmware-related articles.

Title Description Date
Anne ASIC (RTF format) Low level memory and I/O info on the PCW16 -
Rosanne OS (ZIP format) Programming info for the Rosanne operating system as found in the PcW16 -
PCW Software Interface spec Jacob Nevins has spent many a happy hour researching the PCW's mysterious I/O ports and has published the results of his experiments. -